
New Orleans Wedding Photographers


in life & weddings

Catch us cruising on our bikes down Esplanade Avenue or hanging out with our Pup, Crew, in our New Orleans apartment with the windows open and music on.


New Orleans Wedding Photographers

in life & weddings


Catch us cruising on our bikes down Magazine Street or hanging out with our Pup, Miso, in our New Orleans home with the windows open and music on.

caitlin & thad about

We’re Caitlin and Thad, the New Orleans wedding photography duo behind September Company. One night, we spotted each other in a crowded bar, fell in love, and have been adventuring together ever since. Our friends call us “Thaitlin” or “the Septembers.” We answer to both.

New Orleans Wedding Photographers




Our Approach

We’re here to help you show off your love. Thad is the gadget guy; his photography style plays with symmetry, shadow and light. Caitlin’s background in visual arts and film photography show up in her focus on composition in the moments that matter most. Together, we make the dream team.

(c & t)